Hotel Theptharo Lagoon Resort And Spa

31/13 Moo 3, Khuk-khak Takuapa , 82190 Phang Nga

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Theptharo Lagoon Resort And Spa

Situated directly on the beach and surrounded by a shady lagoon, Theptharo Lagoon Beach Resort welcomes you to a paradise holiday. Facilities Include over one kilometer long sandy beach, pine and coconut trees giving natural cool shade, a sheltered lagoon allowing for canoe or other small non motor boats, beachside swimming pool and bar, sea view lobby and a restaurant overlooking the ocean serving special selections of seafood and delicious Thai and International cuisine. Tours and airport transfers can be arranged at the resort.

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Theptharo Lagoon Resort And Spa

El precio por noche en el Hotel Theptharo Lagoon Resort And Spa variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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