Hotel Prompiman Hotel

Ratchakan Rotfai 1 Alley, Sisaket, Thailand , 33000 Sisaket

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Prompiman Hotel

The Prompiman Hotel is one of the comfortable 2.5 star hotels in Sri Saket. Tourists visit Thailand for its unique charms and popular attractions. Known as one of the popular tourist attractions of Thailand, Sri Saket permits voyagers to take pleasure in its famous venues and local food market. Staying at Prompiman Hotel can give you a comfort for your Sri Saket holidays. Prompiman hotel rooms feature practical room amenities that meet the 2.5 star rating hotel standard. Prompiman hotel staffs are eager to service you during your stay at the hotel.

Puntos de interés

Lugares de interés cercanos
  • Wat Sa Kamphaeng Yai21,1 Km
  • Prasat Prang Ku46,8 Km
  • Prasat Phu Fai55,6 Km

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Prompiman Hotel

El precio por noche en el Hotel Prompiman Hotel variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

Hoteles cercanos Hotel Prompiman Hotel

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