Hotel Masi Camp Resort

189 Moo 10 Mirtaparb Road, Muaklek , Saraburi 18180 Thailand, 18180 Saraburi

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Masi Camp Resort

Masi Camp Resort is a place of warm hospitality, peaceful atmosphere and modern comforts with Airconditioner, Television, Refrigerator, and Water Heater. Additional hospitality services such as BBQ amenities are also offered at the resort.To ensure the memorable stay of every business guest, the resort also has business amenities and Seminar Rooms which suitable for your special guests from 80 to 120 persons. Enjoy delightful meal with various kinds of traditional native foods. Sit back and sip Sweet juicy grape fruit or Thai Wine from thousand of wine yards in Muaklek . Spend the valuable time with great meal; BBQ, German Sausage, Charcoal Stove Juicy Steak with 2 choices of the atmosphere of the restaurants.

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Masi Camp Resort

El precio por noche en el Hotel Masi Camp Resort variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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