Hotel Rose Garden Bungalow

146/2 Moo4, Lamai Beach, Maret, Koh Samui,suratthani Thailand, 84280 Suratthani

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Rose Garden Bungalow

Rose Garden has a mix of air-con and fan-cooled bungalows, both ageing though the air-con ones are faring a little better. The former are old-style wooden huts with linoleum covered floors, super-soft beds and grotty bathrooms, though at least they are close to the beach. The latter are ordinary, with shower curtains instead of bathroom doors and creaking floors. The rooms, even at these prices are no great shakes, the redeeming factor here are the pleasing and very spacious grounds which the staff put a lot of effort into maintaining. Mudflats emerge at low tide, but it's still very pretty.

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Rose Garden Bungalow

El precio por noche en el Hotel Rose Garden Bungalow variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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