Hotel Joyś House

114 Mu. 9 Sunpeesue Village, Chang Phuak, Mueang Chiang Mai, 50300, 53000 Chiang Mai

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Joyś House

Joy s House is more than merely a fine homestay or an exquisite restaurant. We will take care that your stay is comfortable, and attend to your body and soul.We will guide you into the daily, surprising and unique Thailand outside Joy s House. You will experience Thailand beyond the beaten tourist paths. In Joy s House they are still able to learn the traditional Thai dance, the mask dance and the fire dance. On the occasion of a Khantok Dinner or a celebration day they will feel proud to present all to you. Moreover we are your partner if you would like to learn a few terms and idioms in the Thai language. You probably know already that it all depends on intonation! And it is impossible to learn that by dictionaries. Look around in Joy s House and the beautiful garden You can do pottery, paint a paper parasol yourself, learn Buddhist meditation, or learn which healing herbs exist and how they are used. An art professor and friend of the house loves to teach about traditional drawing if you want to join, you are warmheartedly welcome. Look around and never avoid asking. Mostly your wishes will come true.

Puntos de interés

Lugares de interés cercanos
  • Wat Chedi Chet Yot4,1 Km
  • Templo Wat Chedi Luang5,2 Km
  • Templo Wat Phra Sing5,3 Km
  • Chiang Mai Zoo6,5 Km
  • Aeropuerto Chiang Mai7,8 Km
  • Wiang Kum Kam8,9 Km

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Joyś House

El precio por noche en el Hotel Joyś House variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

Hoteles cercanos Hotel Joyś House

Glory Boutique Suite
Glory Boutique Suite
3 estrellas y media
a 1.0 km
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