Hotel Eastern Hotel Chanthaburi

Eastern Hotel Chanthaburi 899 Tachalab Rd, Chanthaburi, Thailand, 0 Chanthaburi

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Eastern Hotel Chanthaburi

Located in the heart of Chanthaburi province, The Eastern Hotel offers fully equipped air-conditioned rooms in three categories. With wonderful views of peaceful Chanthaburi scenery, Eastern Hotel is ready to provide you a comfortable and restful retreat. Restaurant and Bar, Eastern Coffee Shop Serving Thai, Chinese and international cuisine. Open daily from 10 am. to 3 pm. and 5 pm. to 1 am.(There will be a live band from 8 pm. to 1 am.), Moom Sabuy Restaurant, Serving food and beverage and Karaoke. Eastern Night Club, The most popular entertainment place in Chanthaburi.

Puntos de interés

Lugares de interés cercanos
  • Namtok Phlio National Park11,4 Km

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Eastern Hotel Chanthaburi

El precio por noche en el Hotel Eastern Hotel Chanthaburi variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

Hoteles cercanos Hotel Eastern Hotel Chanthaburi

The Cube Resort
2 estrellas y media
a 1.4 km
Kim Apartment At Chanthaburi By Hjz
a 1.5 km

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