Hotel City Comfort Inn Baise Chengbei Fenghuang

No.11 Chengbei Er Road, Youjiang District, 533099 Baise

Reserva tu habitación Hotel City Comfort Inn Baise Chengbei Fenghuang

The hotel is located at No. 11, Chengbei Second Road, Youjiang District, Baise City. The hotel is located near the main road, about 3.9 kilometers away from the train station, and 25 minutes by car. ,free large underground parking and open-air parking are available in the hotel; Phoenix Mountain is diagonally opposite the hotel, with green trees on the mountain Lush, fresh surrounding air, quiet night rest environment; On the right side of the hotel is the experimental elementary school. It has a strong cultural atmosphere. The nearby communities are gathered and the popularity is strong: a place to sleep well!

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel City Comfort Inn Baise Chengbei Fenghuang

El precio por noche en el Hotel City Comfort Inn Baise Chengbei Fenghuang variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

Hoteles cercanos Hotel City Comfort Inn Baise Chengbei Fenghuang

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