Hotel Panorama, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

231 Mira Ave , 693000 Yuzhno-sakhalinsk

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Panorama, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Hotel Panorama (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) is conveniently located in the heart of the city. The building of the hotel complex built on an individual project, in the shopping center Panorama. The hotel features comfortable and spacious guest rooms with superb views of the western and eastern side of town. Guests can diversify their leisure time spent in the swimming pool, cinema, or just relaxing in the hotel sauna.Specially for holding conferences and seminars, the hotel is equipped cinema calculated for embedding up to 130 people. Projection capabilities and stereo contribute to the success of the business events. The hotel also provides a wellness and fitness, and excellent service will make the pastime in the hotel as comfortable as possible.

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Panorama

El precio por noche en el Hotel Panorama variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

Hoteles cercanos Hotel Panorama

a 971 m
a 1.1 km
a 1.9 km

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