Hotel City Comfort Inn Xiaogan Yunmeng Zuo'an

Te No.1 Quyanghe Zuo'an Business Street District, 432599 Xiaogan

Reserva tu habitación Hotel City Comfort Inn Xiaogan Yunmeng Zuo'an

Hotel is located on the left bank of Quyang River, Huangxiang Avenue, Yunmeng County, Xiaogan City. The hotel has professional supporting parking spaces and underground parking. The surrounding environment of the hotel is beautiful with "One River" (Quyang River), "Two Gardens" (Binhe Park, Chuwangcheng Park), and "Three Lakes" (Mengze Lake, Huangxiang Lake, Zhengjia Lake) The core 20 hectare ecological water system around the city is an ideal hotel for business trips, family visits and visits to customers.

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel City Comfort Inn Xiaogan Yunmeng Zuo'an

El precio por noche en el Hotel City Comfort Inn Xiaogan Yunmeng Zuo'an variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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