Hotel Imperial, Rogozinino

Rogozinino Village, 143397 Naro-fominsk

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Imperial, Rogozinino

“Imperial Park Hotel & SPA” nowadays is the unique country hotel which officially has five-star category. It offers family vacation in Moscow region, corporate vacation, weekend vacation, organization of corporate events, celebrations and team-building. Few holiday centers and hotels of Moscow region can offer such a wide range of service and a high level of guest servicing. It is here where you can find the best recreation in Moscow region! If you want to slacken cares and to have a rest from city fuss, holiday centers and inns of Moscow region can offer you their service with great pleasure. But country hotels represent a new level of servicing, the best vacation in Moscow region, the elite vacation in Moscow region. A lot of regular customers visited different holiday centers and inns of Moscow region. And only “Imperial Park Hotel & SPA” remains their favorite place for vacation in Moscow region.

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Imperial

El precio por noche en el Hotel Imperial variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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