Hotel Lotos, Novokuznetsk

42a, Pionersky Avenue, 654007 Novokuznetsk

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Lotos, Novokuznetsk

"Lotus" is a three-star hotel of European level has long been considered one of the best hotels in Novokuznetsk. "Lotus" is located in the city center, next to it, not only the sights, but also cafes, shops, 1.5 km - train station. The elegant rooms, attentive staff, varied service makes the stay at home comfortable. All rooms are modernly furnished and well equipped. Apart from the standard conditions, it is possible to live in luxury apartments, named for a month of the year. It provides free parking, internet, "buffet" for breakfast. It features a chic restaurant and a cozy coffee shop, you can organize a banquet, buffet, coffee break. Popular in the "Lotus" office center, where are held business meetings, business negotiations. It features a solarium, swimming pool, beauty salon, sauna, fitness club, studio and games room. Last particularly like staying in the "Lotus". The children are under the supervision of an educator who conducts the game with them, warm-up, and other useful occupations. It works at the bowling alley and billiards.

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Lotos

El precio por noche en el Hotel Lotos variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

Hoteles cercanos Hotel Lotos

a 789 m
X.o. Hotel
a 820 m
a 1.5 km
a 1.6 km

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