Hotel Ocean Paradise Hotel

No.18 Daluoshui Village, 674100 Ninglang

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Ocean Paradise Hotel

Ocean Paradise Hotel ,with excellent geographical location, is near by the Lugu Lake. There is a good view over the lake when living in the Lake- view- room as you lying in bed , eight steps to the lakeside on foot, 3 minutes walk to the Mosuo Folklore Museum and the scene of Bonfire Party, about 10 minutes to walk to the dock to take a boat, 5 minutes' walk from our hotel to bus passenger station. Elegant and tranquil Lugu lake is not only an ideal place for someone who living in busy lives in the noisy and congested city to relax and enjoy,but also a quiet vacation paradise in the prosperous world. There are total 60 rooms, including 8 deluxe lake -view suites, 24 deluxe duplex suites. Each room is equipped with air conditioning and domestic direct dial telephone, TV, humidification machine, etc. The spectacular scene of the Lugu Lake can be better directly see from the lake-view room and you can enjoy the rare quiet holiday at here. Ocean Paradise Hotel has its own unique boutique rooms in Lugu Lake Scenic Spot,and the design of the rooms while the elegant Chinese style room accompanied by completely real wood floor with the open shower space is really more special .With numerous room styles, it is available for guests to choose. The balcony of the third floor deluxe duplex family suite is facing the pleasant lake view ,what’s more,a romantic and starry sky can be clearly to see when you looking up in the evening from the balcony through the top transparent glass.

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El precio por noche en el Hotel Ocean Paradise Hotel variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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