Hotel Jinjiang Fresh Flowers

1 South Zhonghua Road , 550001 Guiyang

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Jinjiang Fresh Flowers

Jinjiang Fresh Flowers is a 4 star hotel with comfortable 261 rooms, which is situated at busiest commercial street. Htl is in an advantage geographic position and has transport facilities. Jinjiang Fresh Flowers Hotel runs with the modernized Management by Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel,Jinjiang Fresh Flowers Hotel,in accordance with the management concept of *regarding people as the essential* and take the*Guests are the Highest*as our aim,makes every effort in providing very considerate and thoughtful service and in devoting all our attention to the construction of a graceful, comfortable and safe staying and space for businessmen and gueste both at home and abroad.

Puntos de interés

Lugares de interés cercanos
  • Estación De Tren De Guiyang3,3 Km
  • Terminal Este De Transportes De Pasajeros De Guiyang9,9 Km
  • Aeropuerto Internacional Longdongbao10,4 Km
  • Tianhetan Scenic Area20,2 Km
  • Parque Del Humedal Huaxi21,9 Km
  • Estación De Autobuses Qingzhen23,9 Km
  • Lago Hongfeng28,1 Km

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Jinjiang Fresh Flowers

El precio por noche en el Hotel Jinjiang Fresh Flowers variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

Hoteles cercanos Hotel Jinjiang Fresh Flowers

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