On The R43 Between Standford, 7220 Hermanus

Reserva tu habitación Hotel GROOTBOS NATURE RESERVE, Gansbaai

Home to more than 750 different species of plants and a paradise for nature lovers, this multiple-award winning private reserve offers warm hospitality, excellent cuisine and fine South African wines. It has two luxury lodges and an exclusive villa that provide an ideal retreat for travellers looking for luxury accommodation in the Hermanus and Gansbaai area, or alternatively an ideal stopover for the start, or end, of a Garden Route tour. All suites in the Forest Lodge beneath the overhang of Milkwood trees provide the ideal blend of privacy and supreme comfort. Each of them is furnished with rich textures, romantic canopy beds with the finest linen and down quilts and separate lounges with cosy fireplaces. The on-site restaurants serve a fusion of African flavour and European cuisines.

Puntos de interés

Lugares de interés cercanos
  • African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary60,1 Km

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel GROOTBOS NATURE RESERVE

El precio por noche en el Hotel GROOTBOS NATURE RESERVE variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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